Legal Notice

Körling Interiors GmbH & Co.KG
Shopfitting + Interior Work

Feldbachacker 11
44149 Dortmund


T +49 231 10 87 64-10
F +49 231 10 87 64-20

Sales tax ID: DE 813 552 212
Register Dortmund HRA 14301
Managers: Peter Cramer, Franz-Josef Körling

Limited liability company & limited partnership: Körling Interiors Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Registered office is Dortmund
Register Dortmund HRB 15561

Design and implementation of website

BüroBayer – Büro für Gestaltung
Alexander Bayer, Chemnitzer Str. 15
(Ecke Gutenbergstraße)
44139 Dortmund

T +49 231 95 29 33 59


Text and Concept

Tina Skulima
Brücherhofstraße 21
44269 Dortmund

T +49 231 42 77 46 77


All information and content on this site is subject to copyright and is reserved only to Körling Interiors. The unauthorized copying, reproduction and use of content is prohibited. Furthermore, the content may not be republished, edited in any form and/or distributed or used in any other manner beyond the extent specified here. The use on other websites or network environments is also in particular prohibited. Similarly, the use of the email addresses listed in this directory for the purposes of sending unsolicited marketing emails is illegal.
Körling Interiors accepts no liability for the compatibility of the site content with the legal provisions outside of the Federal Republic of Germany.